Work With Me

On my blog Pain FULLY Living, I write about living life FULLY despite chronic illnesses.

The illnesses I focus on include Fibromyalgia (FMS), Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and other comorbid issues with FMS. Because I focus on living life FULLY despite living with chronic pain, I also write about family, traveling, mental health, exercise, healthy eating, outdoor adventures, affirming the profession of teaching, and growing as a person through learning.  If those topics are important to you as well, then I’m interested in discussing how we can work together.
If you are interested in working with me in one of the following ways (or another way I haven’t thought of) please contact me.

  • Hire Me – I am a recently retired reading/writing workshop teacher (32-year career). In that realm, I did public speaking, teaching, regular writing of a variety of genres, program development,  curriculum writing, blog and newsletter writing. Retiring has allowed me to pursue writing personally and professionally. Please check out my My Story page,  my writing portfolio, and my Linkedin profile, if you would like to know more about me.

How May I Help You?

  • Interviews – in addition to interviewing those with Fibromyalgia here on my blog, I am available for interviews, whether about blogging or about my health journey.

  • Sponsored Posts – I am interested in accepting sponsored posts that are on-topic to my blog. Please read my full sponsored post policy prior to contacting me for a sponsored post.

  • Product Reviews – I am excited to try new products related to health and wellness. If you’re interested in having me review your health-related book or product, please read through my product review policy.

  • Advertising – If you are interested in purchasing advertising space, contact me directly.

  • Content Writing- Articles written for your website or blog, either on a one-off or recurrent basis.  See my portfolio for a few articles I've written.

Looking to work with other bloggers focused on chronic illness?

Check out The Chronic Illness Bloggers Network and FibroBloggerDirectory.