Friday, February 21, 2020

Going from PAINfully Living to PainFULLY Living

Due to spending the week in Arizona visiting my mother-in-law, I didn't get to write a new post.  I've decided to repost my first blog entry with a few updates this week.  I have two other posts in the works, so see you again next week Friday.

This is the beginning of
my journey with fibromyalgia. It's been
one of many ups and downs, turns and twists,
but ever moving forward, living
my life as FULLY as I can.

June (2018), as my husband and I drove across the country from Michigan to California in our Ford Escape, I began to notice a change in me.  It wasn't quite a new thing, but a new intensity and duration.  My muscles ached deep, deep within me, gnawing from the inside out.

This is the beginning of a major life change, a journey of sorts that has birthed a new self.  It's been hard (almost impossible at times) and is ongoing; however, I have come to be thankful for what it's brought me to.

Why I Have Chosen to Tell My Story Publically

Being a teacher and a lover of learning, I have done a lot of research.  Seeking insight, knowledge, and help from every place I could find it.  This blog is to share my path on this journey.  One:  Just so I can have it recorded somewhere.  Two: Hopefully help others through this sharing.

I have come to witness and understand that Fibromyalgia comes in many forms with a variety of symptoms and a variety of ways that people choose to handle it.  I have learned from others' stories; however, no one that I've encountered has taken the path I've been on.  I feel that by sharing what I've gone through and am going through might give insight to someone else.  I don't think anyone will have the same path as you, so gleaning from many, may lead you in the direction you will want to go.

I have chosen to accept the pain by managing it as much as possible. Sounds easy, right?  Just manage it. This blog will go into the details of how my life has been impacted, some of the possible reasons Fibromyalgia developed in me, and how I am managing it.  I have gone from PAINfully Living to painFULLY Living since my diagnosis in November (2018).

I will share as best as I can through my words the raw truths that I've been living with.  I don't want to sugar coat anything.  Fibromyalgia is an all-encompassing, chronic disorder: physical, emotional, and mental.  To share my path will mean sharing it all.   It will be cathartic for me and hopefully helpful to some.

As of today (2/21/20), it's been a bit over a year since my diagnosis.  I have learned so much about myself in this journey. I have learned a lot about how fibromyalgia affects me and what does and doesn't help me live FULLY despite its presence.  I continue on the path, open to what it brings me. Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

What journey are you on currently?  Do you find it helpful to reflect and share your story?  Do you find connection learning of others' paths and choices?  

Thank you for visiting my blog today. 

I am committing to posting once a week on Fridays.  
However, as you know, my new normal means that sometimes 
I have to listen to my body and am not able to follow through as planned.
Thank you for your understanding.

Click link Subscribe to Pain FULLY Living Weekly Posts by Email


  1. I also blog so that I can hopefully help others with my story.

    @dSavannahCreate from dSavannahRambles

  2. I have learned so much from the other wellnessbloggers. Being each of us is different, yet dealing with similar things, it helps to hear from a variety of others to gather up what works for me.

  3. I blog too, but need to share more of my personal story. It takes a bit of bravery to do that and I applaud you.

    1. Thank you. For me, writing is a way for me to process. I decided to share it on a blog, mostly because when I first looked into things, I didn't see my situation much. I'm now realizing that there are many who are sharing their stories (thank goodness) and that each of our experiences are going to be different because there's no one-fit. I have learned so much from those who share.


Let us have a positive dialogue. Please, keep comments non-judgemental and uplifting.