Friday, June 26, 2020

Fibro Blogger Directory: Fibro Bloggers and their Stories - Living FULLY Despite Pain

I didn't get a post written for this week.  I've been in a bit of a funk.  However, I did share a post with a wonderful online group I belong to-Fibro Bloggers Directory.  Lee Good, the curator of this group, is sharing "get to know you posts" from the various wellness bloggers living with Fibromyalgia.  In addition, each week, she posts Fibro Fridays where these wonderful writers share their recent blog posts.  

I've learned a lot about living well with Fibromyalgia as well as about the way of blogging from this group.  For me, it has been a big support and source of encouragement in my writing and in my daily struggles with FM because they live it themselves.  If you or someone you love has Fibromyalgia, I would highly recommend checking out the weekly Fibro Friday posts.  (I have several of their blog links on my Resources page.)

Click on the below link to read the article I wrote for FBD.  I'll be back next week with a review of a wonderful, life-impacting book: The Book of Joy.

Fibro Blogger Directory: Fibro Bloggers and their Stories - Katie from Pain...: Living FULLY Despite Pain - Katie Clark's Story Me portaging a canoe (only a few feet),  during a week-long canoe trip at  ...

Thank you for visiting my blog today. 


I am committing to posting once a week on Fridays.  

However, as you know, my new normal means that sometimes 

I have to listen to my body and am not able to follow through 

as planned. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Click link Subscribe to Pain FULLY Living Weekly Posts by Email


  1. Thanks so much Katie for sharing your personal story, with fibromyalgia, at Fibro Blogger Directory. People love reading these stories and yours is an interesting one. I especially love how your positive spirit comes through and you share what is working for you now.

    1. Thank you, Lee, for giving the forum and making the connections between those with FM who blog and in your other Facebook group, Fibro Connect. It's really been such a help to me with learning to live FULLY with Fibro and with encouraging me with my writing. Not sure I'd still be blogging if not for your encouragement.

  2. It's so nice to get to know you through this blog piece.

    I always wonder how people manage such strenuous jobs while dealing with troublesome health.

    In my first job (weekend job) at high-street shop as a 16 year old, on bad pain days, my manager would allow me to go work in the stockroom so I could take time out to sit and work on sorting out the stock.

    I always wondered if I'll ever manage a full time job - I couldn't. I have never had a full time job and I admire you for having persevered till you could and then taking the call to leave despite enjoying what you do.

    And the book you mention - I've been hearing so much about it lately that I think I need to get a copy of own!


Let us have a positive dialogue. Please, keep comments non-judgemental and uplifting.